Raw-milk stracciatella & mozzarella

The artisanal process to produce high quality mozzarella cheese requires a lot of skill, experience, and passion. This is why we work with Idea Salentina: A team of five very passionate cheese makers, based in Kemptthal at ‘The Valley’, make incomparable raw-milk stracciatella and mozzarella. Idea Salentina works with three different farms, the smallest has around 20 cows and the largest has 90. 

Raw milk means milk that comes directly out of the cow, and is not processed or skimmed like regular milk. It contains the full fat and has not been pasteurized, or heated up to boiling temperatures to kill bacteria. We believe in raw milk because we like to work with natural products, and raw milk is fattier and has the full natural flora—meaning a superior taste. Once the curd is ready, we melt it with hot, salty water and apply specific techniques to stretch the dough. This gives the characteristic stringy texture. Once the dough is ready, we form it to give the mozzarella its final shape.